10 Days
Ouch, seriously...10 days! Can I pack and get report cards done in that time, no worries...maybe. I got an awesome message from a friend at church today with tips and lists of things I need to take and things I can expect. I was told that no matter how good the meat on a stick looks or smells on the street...don't eat it. What if I pack lots of pepto? I love meat on a stick from the Chinese place down the street and nasty hot dogs on the streets of New York, can I resist such glorious treats...?
Aside from her amazing list of things to pack (including tissue since I will get lots of dirt in my nose, mmmmm...brown boogers) she said something that really made me pause; she said that no matter what I WILL be changed and that I might come back in a daze that could last a long time. A daze I wouldn't be able to explain to Natalie because she would not have that experience. That is some kind of change...prepare for change Thomas, prepare for God to speak and act in ways I can't understand right now.
I have been asking, "why this trip, why am I going when I already know there is so much pain and hurt right here, in the states, in the eyes I see everyday." Maybe it's to put me in a daze, to change me so I can do the work He has planned for me. I have always felt like what I do in school is not enough to truly make a lifelong impact on lives; while that's asking a lot of this trip I think I need to be ready for change.
The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson has been reinforcing to me that I cannot understand the ways God works, that if I put my earthly limits on Him, He would not be God. Let God be God and do His work.
So am I confusing myself now, be prepared for change but don't force it...
Still don't have my packet from Compassion with my ticket and plans...bummer.
Talked to Ms. Sampson today too... love her!!!
Just discovered your blog! All I can say is, don't be afraid of change. Stepping out in faith is the most wonderful, magical way to live. Once you do it, you will hunger for it always. (Thus spake the prophetess, Oran Mor!)You will be blessed beyond your present comprehension. I guarantee it!!